

Universal index formulae of seawater quality based on normalized transformation
摘要 为了建立形式简洁、计算简便和普适通用的海水水质的普适指数公式,基于海水水质标准(GB3097-1997),只要适当设置海水水质各指标"参照值"和指标值的规范变换式,并对各指标的标准值进行规范变换,使所有27项指标的各级标准值的规范值都处于陆地3类水体72项指标的同级标准值的规范值范围内,从而适用于陆地水体72项指标规范值的6个水质普适指数公式也适用于27项指标规范值的海水水质评价。以厦门近海海域和长江口近海海域的海水水质评价作实例,对指数公式的实用性进行了效果检验,并与其他方法的评价结果进行了比较。结果表明:不仅6个指数公式使陆地水体水质评价和海水水质评价得到普适、统一、规范和简化,而且规范变换的思想和方法对水资源及水安全系统的研究亦有借鉴作用。 This study aims to set up several index formulae for assessing the seawater quality ,which enjoy the prior-ity of being simple in form,easy in calculation and universal in applications.On the bases of the seawater quality standards(GB 3097-1997),the proposed formulae,which make the varied rage of the normalized index values of 27 indexes in each grade standards of seawater to be conformity with those of the normalized index values of 72 in-dexes in same grade standards of 3 classified water body ,have been established,if only it can be properly set a ref-erence value and normalized transformation form as well as make a normalized transformation in the grade standard value for each index of seawater .Therefore,the 6 optimized universal index formulae,which are suitable to the en-vironmental quality evaluation of 72 normalized index values of 3 classified water body,can also be suitable to the e-valuation of 27 normalized index values of seawater quality.Furthermore,in order to test the practical effectiveness of the 6 index formulae,it could be applied to the practical quality evaluations of seawater for 2 cases of the coastal waters in Xiamen City and in Yangtze River Estuary.The evaluation results of 6 universal index formulae proved to be basically in full conformity with those obtained from the commonly used evaluation methods.The results showed that not only the 6 universal index formulae to make the evaluations between land water body and seawater body universal,unified,normalized and simplified,but also the ideas and methods of normalized transformation can be reference for the studies of water resources and water security.
出处 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期80-87,共8页
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51209024)
关键词 规范变换 海水水质评价 富营养化评价 普适指数公式 normalized transformation seawater quality evaluation eutrophic evaluation index formula
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