
谷子waxy基因exon2-exon4区间序列比对分析 被引量:4

Sequence Alignment on exon2-exon4 Interval of waxy Gene in Foxtail Millets
摘要 为了明确中国春谷子waxy基因序列的变异,本研究以引进的53份谷子品种(系)为材料,采用PCR产物测序,对waxy基因exon2-exon4序列进行比对分析。研究结果显示:非糯、低直链淀粉含量和糯质类型频率分别为22.6%、54.7%和9.4%;在非糯类型中,11、12、22、23号材料检测到碱基缺失和置换,1、13、18和27号仅存在碱基缺失;在低直链淀粉类型中,9、17和24号同时存在碱基插入、缺失和置换,14和15号品种为碱基缺失和置换,大红谷(00009836)为碱基插入和缺失,20号和43号仅分别出现置换和缺失;在糯质类型中,红粘谷(00000537)同时检测到碱基插入、缺失和置换,杏黄粘存在缺失和置换。根据exon2-exon4区间序列变异,以阈值为78将53份材料聚为十大类,其中第一类品种数量较多,第五类群SNP多态性较丰富。 To make cl ear waxy gene sequence variances of Chinese spring foxtail millet, fifty-three millet cultivars and lines were used for sequence alignment analysis on exon2-exon4 interval of waxy gene by PCR amplification product sequencing. The results were as follows, the frequency of no-waxy, low amylase content and waxy types were 22.6%, 54.7% and 9.4%, respectively. In no-waxy millets, base deletion and substitution were detected in 11^th, 12^th, 22^nd and 23^rd cultivars, but base deletion in 1^st, 13^th, 18^th and 27^th. In low amylase content millets, base insertion, deletion and substitution occurred in 9^th, 17^th and 24^th cultivars, deletion and substitution occurred in both 14^th and 15^th, base insertion and deletion were in Dahonggu (00009836), base substitution and deletion were associated with 20^th and 43^tnd, respectively. In waxy millet, base insertion, deletion and substitution occurred in Hongniangu (00000537), but base deletion and substitution all detected in Xinghuangnian. 53 millet accessions were clusterd into ten categories at threshold value 78. There were 24 and 10 cultivars in the first and the fifth group, respectively, the latter had the most abundant SNP polvmorphisms amone the ten categories.
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期98-105,共8页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31260328) 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目(2014MS0321) 内蒙古自治区科技计划项目(20140165)共同资助
关键词 谷子 WAXY 序列比对 Foxtail millet (Setaria italica Beauv.), waxy, Sequence alignment
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