

The design of 3-D terminal guidance law with impact angle constraint using variable structure method
摘要 分析导弹与目标水面舰艇之间三维空间的相对运动特性,并在此基础上进行带落角约束的变结构制导律设计。该制导律设计中,针对一次设计时切换面导数形式过于复杂的情况,作出变换进行二次设计,极大地简化模型;另外,由于目标信息难以获取,故将其视为扰动;最后通过数值仿真验证了所设计制导律的可行性和有效性,具有一定的工程应用价值。 The characteristics of the 3- D relative motion between Missile and Target which represents surface vessels are analyzed,and on the basis of that,a terminal guidance law with impact angle using variable structure method is designed. Because the form of switching surface derivative is too complicated in the process of first designing for the guidance law,secondary design is carried out by transforming,which greatly simplifies the model. In additon, the target information is regarded as disturbance since it is difficult to obtain. Finally, numerical simulation verify the feasibility and effectiveness of designed guidance law which can apply to project in a sense.
出处 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2015年第1期119-122,126,共5页 Ship Science and Technology
关键词 变结构 落角约束 三维制导 variable struture impact angle contraint 3-D guidance
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