

Concern of the Upper Evangelicals to Working Class in Industrial Britain
摘要 英国工业化期间,工人阶级生活状况的恶化引起了社会各阶层的关注。传播福音主义的热情和强烈的道德责任感,鼓舞着一些福音派上层人士去关怀工人阶级的境遇。从18世纪末到19世纪初,福音派上层从宗教信仰理论出发,将各种关怀工人阶级的思想付诸实践,在推动工厂改革、学校教育、贫困救助等方面给下层劳动者带来了福音。在自由放任思潮盛行的年代,福音派的思想和行动在改善工人阶级境况的同时,也对英国"渐进式"发展道路乃至走向国家干预产生了深远影响。 All ranks of society paid great attentions to working class in virtue of their increasingly aggravated living conditions in the industrial Britain. Inspired by the fierceness of spreading evangelicalism and out of a strong sense of moral responsibility, some upper Evangelicals showed their solicitude to the living conditions of the class. From the end of eighteenth century to the early nineteenth century, influenced by religious theory, the upper Evangelicals took concrete actions to spread various religious faiths to working class. In such a prevailing age of laissez-faire, Evangelical's thought and action not only brought a lot of benefits to the lower working class, but also affected the British gradual development trace and, to some extent, paved the way for the Great Britain's state intervention mode.
作者 莫磊 刘金源
出处 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期56-63,共8页 History Teaching
基金 国家社科基金项目"近代英国劳资冲突化解机制的形成研究"(13BSS029) 教育部人文社科研究规划基金项目"英国工业化时期集体谈判制度的形成研究"(12YJA770028)
关键词 福音派 工人阶级 社会关怀 英国 Evangelical, Working Class, Social Care, British
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