
系统化护理对产妇压力和婴儿喂养方式干预效果研究 被引量:26

The effects of synthetic nursing on postpartum women's stress and infant feeding methods
摘要 目的探讨系统化护理对产妇压力和婴儿喂养方式的影响。方法将313例产妇分为对照组148例,接受常规护理,住院期间实施口头母乳喂养健康教育。试验组165例给予系统化护理干预,住院期间应用自编《母乳喂养手册》进行健康教育,床旁"一对一"母乳喂养技能指导;在产后5周和11周实施母乳喂养电话指导。分别于产后3 d、6周、3个月填写知觉压力量表。结果试验组产后6周的知觉压力总分低于对照组(P<0.01)。产后3 d、6周和3个月试验组纯母乳喂养率均高于对照组(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论系统化护理干预能降低哺乳期妇女的压力水平、提高纯母乳喂养率。 Objective To explore the effects of nursing intervention on postpartum women's stress and infant feeding methods. Methods Totally, 313 postpartum women were enrolled in the study. The control group(n = 148) received general care with verbal education about hreastfeeding without telephone instruction. The experimental group(n = 165 ) received synthetic intervention with breastfeeding handbook and telephone instruction. The participants aceepted twice telephone instructions related to breastfeeding at 5 and 11 weeks postpartum. They completed the Chinese version of Pereelved Stress Scale (CPSS) at 3 days,6 weeks and 3 months postpartum. Results In experimental group,the CPSS mean score of 6 weeks was lower than that of control group( P 〈 0.01 ). At 3 days,6 weeks and 3 months postpartum, the exclusive breastfeeding rates of the treatment group were higher than those of the control group respectively ( P 〈 0.01 or P 〈 0.05). Conclusion Synthetic intervention decreased mother's stress level and improved exclusive breastfeeding rates.
作者 戴红霞
出处 《护理管理杂志》 2015年第2期77-79,共3页 Journal of Nursing Administration
基金 澳门理工学院科研基金立项(RP/ESS-6/2008)
关键词 系统化护理 产妇 压力 纯母乳喂养 systemic intervention maternal women stress exclusive breastfeeding
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