

Effects of Heating Treatment Condition of Pulping Black Liquor of Birch on Methanol Formation
摘要 主要研究了桦木硫酸盐(KP)法和烧碱-蒽醌(Soda-AQ)法蒸煮黑液受热处理后甲醇产生量与反应温度、时间、气体环境、气液相比以及Na OH和Na2S浓度的关系。研究结果表明,随着反应时间的延长、反应温度的升高以及气液相比的增大,甲醇产生量不断增加;尤其是在高气液相比、高温或有氧条件下,甲醇产生量更大;当气液相比为3.3时,KP法蒸煮黑液在120℃和氧气环境下反应2 h后甲醇浓度的增幅达到了124.8%,而在低温或氮气环境中甲醇产生量相对较小;Na OH和Na2S浓度对桦木碱法蒸煮黑液甲醇产生量的影响不大。 The influences of heating temperature, time, gas environment, gas-liquid phase ratio, concentration of sodium hydroxide and sodi- um sulfide on methanol formation from black liquor of birch alkaline cooking were investigated. The results showed that methanol formation constantly increased with extension of reaction time, rise of temperature and gas-liquid ratio. Especially in high gas liquid ratio, at high tem- perature and under aerobic conditions, methanol formation increased sharply, but increased slightly at the low temperature or nitrogen envi- ronment. Methanol concentration in black liquor increased to 124. 8% when the black liquor was heated up to 120℃ in the presence of oxygen and the gas liquid ratio was 3.3. The influence of NaOH and N%S concentration on methanol formation from birch alkaline cooking black liquor was not significant.
出处 《中国造纸》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第2期14-18,共5页 China Pulp & Paper
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(21077076)
关键词 硫酸盐法 烧碱-蒽醌法 黑液 甲醇产生量 sulfate process soda-AQ black liquor methanol formation
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