
埃博拉病毒疫苗和药物的研发进展及启示 被引量:3

Research on Ebola Vaccines and Drugs:Advances and Reflections
摘要 2014年空前的西非埃博拉疫情,使得埃博拉病毒受到了全世界的广泛关注。针对埃博拉病毒病,目前还没有获批上市的疫苗和药物,但有几种疫苗和药物已在非人灵长类动物中证实了保护效果,其中少数品种已进入临床试验阶段。本文集中介绍几种最具前景的疫苗和药物,并对其发展前景进行了分析和预测。 In West Afi'ica in 2014, an unprecedented Ebola outbreak drew the attention from all over the world. For the prophylaxis and treatment of Ebola virus disease, there are no approved vaccines and drugs available till now. Fortunately, there are several kinds of vaccines and drugs has confirmed the protection effect in nonhuman primates. Among these, a few varieties have entered clinical trials. This article will focus on several of the most promising vaccines and drugs, and anlayze the prospect of relative research and development.
出处 《生物技术通讯》 CAS 2015年第1期5-9,共5页 Letters in Biotechnology
关键词 埃博拉病毒 疫苗 药物 Ebola virus vaccine drug
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