
岷县成批地震骨科伤员药学监护 被引量:2

Practice of pharmaceuical care for batch orthopaedic patients in Minxian earthquake
摘要 目的:探讨临床药师对地震成批骨折伤员实施药学监护的作用及监护要点。方法:分析16例岷县地震骨折伤员病情特点、药物治疗过程及药学监护的情况。结果:地震伤员入院后在药学监护下药物治疗安全有效,临床治愈。结论:临床药师应第一时间参与地震伤员的救治,发挥自身专长,加强药学监护,参与地震伤员药物治疗方案的制定,这对于伤员的合理用药,提高治疗效果及优化医疗资源极为重要。 Objective: To investigate the characteristics of pharmaceutical care for batch orthopaedic patients in Minxian earthquake. Methods: Restrospective analysis was applied to analyze the wound conditions, therapeutic drugs and pharmaceutical care in 16 orthopaedic patients admitted to our hospital in Minxian earthquake. Results: All clinical management worked well and the patients were fully recovered. Drugs played an effective and rational role in the treatment. Conclusion: Clinical pharmacist should engage in clinical practice at site, enhance pharmaceutical care, formulate therapeutic regimes for orthopaedic patients in earthquake. It is very important for rational use of drugs, enhancing therapeutic efficiency and optimizing medical resources.
出处 《西北国防医学杂志》 CAS 2015年第1期23-25,共3页 Medical Journal of National Defending Forces in Northwest China
关键词 药学监护 骨科 伤员 地震 pharmaceutical care, orthopaedic, patients, earthquake
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