
城市空间成本、双技术溢出与环境污染 被引量:2

Urban Space Cost,Double Technology Spillover and Environment Pollution
摘要 将城市空间成本融入新经济地理学的模型中,在一个连续的空间上研究区域发展、产业集聚与扩散,认为技术溢出在资本创造部门和工业企业生产部门都有所体现,同时考虑环境污染的负外部性,将单一生产要素的流动与多种生产要素的流动有机统一起来,发展了一般的新经济地理学模型,实现了新经济地理学不同模型的一次综合。从理论研究角度,不仅分析了长期均衡增长的内在机理,而且探讨了经济空间的演化及其稳态,以及区域福利的动态变化,认为持续点与突破点的关系是任意的,持续点既可以大于突破点,也可以小于突破点,二者还可以相等,对称结构、中心—外围结构、一般的非对称结构都可能是稳定结构,区际实际收入差距在某种程度上取决于区际资本份额的差距。 This paper incorporates the cost of urban space into the new economic geography model. It studies the regional development, industrial agglomeration and diffusion in a continuous space, and regards that technology spillover is reflected not only in the department of creating capital, but also in the industrial enterprise production department. The paper also considers the negative externality of environment pollu- tion, and combines the flow of a single production factor and the flow of a variety production factors into an organic whole, then the general new economic geography model is developed and the synthesis of different new economic geography models is achieved. From the aspect of theoretical analysis, it not only analyzes the inner mechanism of long - term equilibrium growth, but also discusses the evolution and steady state of economic space and the dynamic change of regional welfare, then holds that the relationship of continuous point and breakthrough point is uncertain. The continuous point can be greater than the breakthrough point and be less than the breakthrough point, they can also be equal. The symmetrical structure, core -periphery structure and general asymmetric structure all could be stable structure. The interregional actual income gap is decided by the interregional gap of capital share to some extent.
作者 何雄浪
出处 《财贸研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期35-46,共12页 Finance and Trade Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究西部和边疆地区项目"空间相关性 区域融合与我国区域福祉统筹增进研究"(14XJA790001) 西南民族大学研究生学位点建设项目(2011XWD-S0202)
关键词 城市空间成本 双技术溢出 环境污染 urban space cost double technology spillover environment pollution
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