
儿童急性肝功能衰竭的诊疗进展 被引量:3

Progress on Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Acute Liver Failure
摘要 儿童急性肝功能衰竭(PALF)是重症监护病房中最为严重的致死性疾病之一,发病率低,但病死率高。病因大致分为6类,即代谢性、感染性、中毒性、自身免疫性、血管性和恶性病,另外还有相当一部分患儿病因不明。该病的临床表现因年龄和病因的不同而不同,肝性脑病在儿童表现不典型。治疗采用去除病因、对症支持、防治并发症等综合方法。人工肝支持治疗作用越来越突出,肝移植是挽救患儿生命的重要手段。该文就PALF的诊疗进展予以综述。 Pediatric acute liver failure( PALF) is a severe and fatal disease in intensive cave unit. PALF is rare in children but carries high mortality. There are six factors in the etiology of disease,including metabolic,infectivity,toxicity,autoimmunity,vasculogenic and malignant disease,while there are certain cases with unknown causes. Because the different causes and ages,the clinical manifestations are different too,and hepatic encephalopathy is not typically manifested in children. The managements include etilogical treatment,symptomatic treatment,and complication treatment. The effect of extracorporeal liver support is more and more outstanding,And liver transplantation is an important means to retrieve children' s life. Here is to make a review of the progress in the diagnosis and treatment of PALF.
出处 《医学综述》 2015年第4期674-676,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 急性肝功能衰竭 儿童 肝性脑病 人工肝 肝移植 Acute liver failure Children Hepatic encephalopathy Extracorporeal liver Liver transplantation
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