
基于单站一维距离像序列的进动锥柱体目标特征提取 被引量:2

Feature Extraction of Processional Cone-cylinder Target Based on Monostatic High Resolution Range Profiles
摘要 惯量比是中段弹道目标识别的重要特征,要求得惯量比需要得到目标的进动参数。锥柱体目标的进动参数估计需要其结构参数方面的某些先验信息。本文在分析锥柱体目标进动特性的基础上,提出了"伪惯量比"特征量,该特征量不需要目标结构参数的先验信息,并给出了通过一维距离像序列提取"伪惯量比"的方法,降低了目标特征提取的复杂度。仿真结果验证了"伪惯量比"和其提取方法的有效性。 Inertia-ratio is an important feature for mid-course ballistic target recognition.It’s necessary to know the bal-listic target’s to calculate the Inertia-ratio precession parameters.But estimating the precession parameters of cone-cylinder ballistic target needs to know some of its structure parameters.Firstly,this paper analyzes the procession feature of the cone-cylinder ballistic target and its High Range Resolution Profiles (HRRPs).Then based on the analysis of the preces-sion of cone-cylinder target,the ‘Pseudo-inertia-ratio’feature is proposed,which can be estimated without knowing the structure parameters of the cone-cylinder target.And the method and steps to extract the ‘Pseudo-Inertia-ratio ’feature based on HRRPs are presented.Finally the simulation results are given to validate that the ‘pseudo-Inertia-ratio’feature and the presented method are effective and applicable.
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期238-243,共6页 Journal of Signal Processing
基金 航空基金项目(20130196005)
关键词 目标识别 进动 一维距离像序列 锥柱体目标 target recognition precession high resolution range profiles cone-cylinder target
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