针对采用主从式结构的主流云存储系统可能出现的性能瓶颈和可扩展问题,基于分布式哈希表(DHT)技术的完全分布式云存储系统成为一种新的选择。解决好节点的负载平衡问题,是此类技术获得推广的关键。研究了Kademlia算法应用于云存储系统的负载平衡性能。考虑到算法在异构环境下负载平衡性能有明显下降,改进算法在Kademlia找出的候选存储节点中根据节点的存储能力来分配负载。仿真结果表明,改进后算法的负载平衡性能有非常明显的提高,在系统模拟运行时间足够长(如1500 h以上)时,过载节点平均下降7.0%(轻载)和33.7%(重载);文件保存成功率平均提高27.2%(轻载)和35.1%(重载),而增加的通信开销可接受。
Prevailing cloud storage systems normally use master/slave structure, which may cause performance bottlenecks and scalability problems in some extreme cases. So, fully distributed cloud storage system based on Distributed Hash Table (DHT) technology is becoming a new choice. How to solve load balancing problem for nodes, is the key for this technology to be applicable. The Kademlia algorithm was used to locate storage target in cloud storage system and its load balancing performance was investigated. Considering the load balancing performance of the algorithm significantly decreased in heterogeneous environment, an improved algorithm was proposed, which considered heterogeneous nodes and their storage capacities and distributed loads according to the storage capacity of each node. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively improve load balance performance of the system. Compared with the original algorithm, after running a long period ( more than 1 500 hours in simulation), the number of overloaded nodes in system dropped at an average percentage 7.0% ( light load) to 33.7% ( heavy load), file saving success rate increased at an average percentage 27.2% ( light load) to 35.1% (heavy load), and also its communication overhead is acceptable.
journal of Computer Applications