
Rationale for Banking Regulation 被引量:1

Rationale for Banking Regulation
摘要 Banking is one of the most heavily regulated sectors across the world. Generally,the public suggests that banks are vital to economic stability. In addition, the development and efficiency of the banking system are significant contributors to overall economic growth. In addition, the article will provide an analysis of the key underlying reasons for the range of regulations that face the banking sector. Last but not the least, the article will concentrate on the four main considerations of the traditional rationale for banking regulation and supervision. Banking is one of the most heavily regulated sectors across the world. Generally,the public suggests that banks are vital to economic stability. In addition, the development and efficiency of the banking system are significant contributors to overall economic growth. In addition, the article will provide an analysis of the key underlying reasons for the range of regulations that face the banking sector. Last but not the least, the article will concentrate on the four main considerations of the traditional rationale for banking regulation and supervision.
作者 Chen Zhenyun
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期287-291,共5页 Academics
基金 sponsored by the Project of Youth Scientific Research Funds by Shanghai University of Political Science and Law in 2014(Project No.:2014XQN20)
关键词 银行监管 行业法规 行业监管 银行业 经济 banking banks supervision sector regulations credit vital concentrate lender reasons
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