

Crawling and Lamenting Between Light and Darkness——An Interpretation of Celan's We Lay
摘要 如何把握文本自身传递的信息及创作者的个人经历与时代背景之间的关系是诠释策兰诗作时必须面对的问题。依据策兰自设的创作意图,从文本自身的语境表达和情感走向入手,并结合作者其他作品以及文本之外的背景信息,则策兰在其晚期诗作《我们躺下》中对于生命现实的揭示不言自明:在时代的黑暗背景之下,"光明"反成为一种生命不能承受之重荷;"光明"逼迫之下,诗人又必当重回黑暗,检视罪恶与痛苦,方能探索人类生存的残酷本质。 Closed structures and broken words are Paul Celan's characteristics,making his poems hard to be interpreted.And consequently it has always been a controversial issue as how to treat the information offered by the text itself as well as its historical background and the personal experience of the poet.Based on the writing intention set by Celan himself and combined with Celan's other works as well as background information outside the text,apriority has been given in this paper to the semantic messages and emotional expression conveyed from the context itself when interpreting his poemWe Lay,which comes from one of his last collections Light Duress.This paper focuses on the explanation of the key words"Light Duress":faced with the darkness of reality and human nature,light becomes a heavy load.The poet has to return to the darkness despite the light duress in order to explore the brutal essence of human existence.
作者 顾佳圆
出处 《中北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第1期108-112,118,共6页 Journal of North University of China:Social Science Edition
关键词 策兰 《我们躺下》 《光之逼迫》 个人与时代 Celan We Lay Light Duress individual and time
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