
3个苹果品种叶片矿质营养变化及其相关性研究 被引量:10

Content Variation of Mineral Nutrients in 3 Apple Cultivars Leaves and Their Correlation
摘要 为了解矿质营养在苹果树体发育过程中变化的特点、进一步阐明苹果树矿质营养积累机制,以‘望山红’等3个苹果品种叶片为试材,测定分析了其发育过程中N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Zn、Mn、Cu、B矿质营养成分含量变化及其相关性。结果表明,叶片发育过程中,N、P和B呈"降—升—降"的趋势,K和Mn呈"升—降—升"的趋势,Ca、Mg、Zn和Cu呈"升—降"的趋势,Fe一直呈下降的趋势。相关性分析表明,N与P之间呈极显著正相关,P与Mn之间、Ca与Cu之间都呈显著正相关,Mn与B之间呈极显著负相关,K与Mg之间、Ca与Fe之间都呈显著负相关。说明苹果树叶片发育中10种矿质营养积累机制不同,部分矿质营养积累过程存在协助和拮抗作用。 In order to make clear the changes and accumulation mechanism of mineral nutrition in developingapple leaves, the leaves of‘Wangshanhong'and other 2 apple cultivars were used as experimental materialsfor the measurement, the author analyzed changes in the contents of mineral nutrients during leaf developmentand their correlation. The results showed that during leaf development, the levels of N, P and B exhibited adecreased-increased-decreased trend, K and Mn showed an increased-decreased-increased trend, Ca, Mg,Zn and Cu showed an increased-decreased trend, while the levels of Fe generally decreased during leafdevelopment. Correlation analysis of the changes in mineral nutrients contents during leaf developmentindicated that the changes between N and P levels were highly significantly positive correlated, P and Mn, Caand Cu levels were significantly positive correlated, whereas changes between the levels of Mn and B wereextremely and significantly negative correlated, K and Mg, Ca and Fe were significantly negative correlated.These results indicated that the accumulation of the ten mineral nutrients content in the levels were different,some mineral nutrients acted antagonism or synergism when theirs were absorbed by the apple tree.
出处 《中国农学通报》 2015年第4期113-118,共6页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS-28) 国家科技支撑计划课题(2013BAD02B01-4)
关键词 苹果 叶片 发育 矿质营养 相关性 apple leaf development mineral nutrient correlation
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