
规模化养猪场废水和废气污染控制研究 被引量:4

The Study of Pollution Control of Wastewater and Air for Scale Pig Farm
摘要 研究污染治理措施对养猪场废气和废水中污染物浓度的影响,探讨治理措施的可行性,以期为同类型养猪场的污染防治提供参考。采用活性炭吸附和水膜除尘分别处理恶臭气体和锅炉燃烧废气;采用厌氧发酵和CASS工艺处理废水。在活性炭吸附塔进气口和出气口分别采集气体样品a和b,测定气体中氨(NH3)和硫化氢(H2S)的数值;在水膜除尘器进气口和出气口分别采集气体c和d,测定气体中二氧化硫(SO2)和烟尘的浓度。在沼气池进水口采集2 L水样,记作水样A;经过沼气池厌氧发酵20、30、40天后,分别在沼气池出水口采集2 L水样,记作水样B、C、D;在CASS污水处理池出水口采集2 L水样,记作水样E;测定化学需氧量(CODcr)、5日生化需氧量(BOD5)、悬浮物(SS)、氨氮(NH3-N)和总磷(TP)的数值。每次取3个平行样。结果表明:b中氨的强度显著低于a;b中硫化氢的强度极显著低于a;d和c的SO2浓度无显著性差异;d的烟尘浓度极显著低于c。水样B、C、D、E中的化学需氧量、5日生化需氧量、悬浮物的浓度极显著低于A。水样E中,氨氮和总磷的数值极显著低于A、B、C和D;A、B、C、D之间无显著性差异。活性炭吸附处理对氨作用显著,对硫化氢作用极显著;水膜除尘处理对二氧化硫无明显影响,对烟尘作用极显著;单纯的厌氧发酵处理对化学需氧量、5日生化需氧量和悬浮物作用显著,对氨氮和总磷不显著。厌氧发酵和CASS工艺联合处理对化学需氧量、生化需氧量、悬浮物、氨氮和总磷作用极显著。除二氧化硫外,处理后各污染物浓度均能够达标。 In order to explore the feasibility of pollution control measures and to provide a reference ofpollution control for the same type farm,the study for the pollution control measures of farm pollutantconcentration in the waste gas and waste water was conducted.Malodorous gases and combustion waste gas ofboiler were treated by activated carbon adsorption and water film soot collector respectively;wastewater wastreated by anaerobic fermentation and CASS process.To monitor the concentration of ammonia(NH3) andhydrogen sulfide(H2S),gas samples which were marked as a and b respectively were collected in the inlet andoutlet of activated carbon adsorption tower.To monitor the concentration of sulfur dioxide(SO2) and soot,gas samples which were marked as c and d respectively were collected in the inlet and outlet of water film sootcollector.2 L water sample which was marked as sample A was collected at the digester inlet;2 L water samplewas collected at the digester outlet after fermentation anaerobic digestion for 20 days,30 days and 40 days,marking as B,C and D,respectively;2 L water sample was collected in CASS sewage treatment pond outlet,marking as sample E.Then the values of chemical oxygen demand(CODcr),biochemical oxygen demand(BOD5),suspended solids(SS),ammonia nitrogen(NH3-N) and total phosphorus(TP) could be monitored.Three parallel samples were taken every time.The results showed that the intensity of the ammonia in gas bwas significant lower than that in gas a,and the intensity of hydrogen sulfide in gas b was extremely significantlower than that in gas a.There had no significant difference between gas c and gas d about the concentration ofSO2,and the concentration of soot in gas d was extremely significant lower than that in gas c.The concentrationof chemical oxygen demand,biochemical oxygen demand and suspended solids in sample B,C,D and E wereextremely significant lower than that in sample A.The value of ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus in watersample E was extremely significant lower than that in sample A,B,C and D;there had no significant differenceamong sample A,B,C and D.Activated carbon adsorption treatment had significant effect on ammonia,andhad an extremely significant effect on hydrogen sulfide;water film soot collector had significant effect on sulfurdioxide,also had extremely significant effect on soot.Pure anaerobic fermentation treatment had significanteffect on chemical oxygen demand,biochemical oxygen demand and suspended solids,but had no significanteffect on ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus.The treatment of CASS process combined anaerobicfermentation had extremely significant effect on chemical oxygen demand,biochemical oxygen demand,suspended solids,ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus.Except sulfur dioxide,pollutant concentrations wereable to reach the standards after treatment.
出处 《中国农学通报》 2015年第5期177-181,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 安徽生态省建设省级引导基金项目"省农村生态教育综合示范基地"(KJ2013A109)
关键词 活性炭吸附 水膜除尘 厌氧发酵和CASS工艺 污染物浓度 影响 activated carbon adsorption water film soot collector anaerobic fermentation and CASS concentration effect
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