
生物炭与氮肥施用量对大豆生长发育及产量的影响 被引量:23

Effect of Biochar and Nitrogen Application Rate on Growth Development and Yield of Soybean
摘要 通过大田圆柱管栽培试验,研究生物炭与氮肥的交互作用对大豆生长发育及产量的影响。结果表明:适量施入生物炭对单株干物质积累与LAI的调控起到了促进作用,其调控作用在生育后期大于生育前期。在R6期C1(施炭750 kg·hm-2)处理单株干物重与LAI最高,但随着施炭量的进一步增加单株干物重与LAI却逐渐下降,施炭量为C3(施炭2 250 kg·hm-2)时单株干物重与LAI低于不施炭处理。施入生物炭使大豆株高降低,施炭量越多株高降低幅度越大。在相同施炭量条件下,不同施氮处理各生育时期单株干物重及叶面积指数的均值以N2(施氮60 kg·hm-2)最高,叶绿素的均值以N3(施氮90 kg·hm-2)最高。施炭750 kg·hm-2和施氮42 kg·hm-2为大豆高产的最优施用组合,理论产量为3 546.9 kg·hm-2。生物炭与氮肥配合施用,主要是通过调节单株粒数来影响产量。 Cylindrical tube cultivation trial was adopted in field to study the effects of interaction of biochar and nitrogen fertilizer on growth development and yield of spring soybean. It showed that appropriate biochar application helped in single plant dry matter accumulation and LAI. The regulation function role was important in late growth period than in earlier growth period. The dry matter accumulation and LAI of C1 was the highest at R6 stage,while they were decreased with the increament amount of biochar and lower than no biochar treatment in C3. The plant height was decreased by applying biochar treatment,and was decreased mostly with the increase of amount of biochar applied. In different periods,the average value of dry matter accumulation and LAI were the highest in N2( N 60 kg·ha^-1) treatment,and the average value of SPAD was the highest in N3( N 90 kg·ha^-1) treatment. Applied biochar 750 kg·ha^-1and nitrogen fertilizer 42 kg·ha^-1was the optimal a combination for soybean high-yield. The theoretical yield could reach 3 546. 9 kg·ha^-1in this test. Biochar combined with nitrogen fertilizer apply mainly through adjusting seeds per plant to affect soybean yield.
出处 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期87-92,共6页 Soybean Science
基金 哈尔滨市青年科技创新人才研究专项(2013RFQYJ153) 黑龙江省农业创新工程农科院院级青年基金项目(2012QN037)
关键词 生物炭 氮素 大豆 生长发育 产量 Biochar Nitrogen Soybean Growth and development Yield
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