目的分析某石油采油管修试厂生产过程中噪声产生原因和控制措施及其控制效果,提出有针对性的防噪声措施。方法职业卫生现场调查、工作场所噪声强度测量、噪声作业分级、噪声作业人员纯音听力测试。结果采取控制油管输送、移动堆放过程中产生的机械性噪声措施后,工作场所噪声强度降低了2-9 d B(A);通径岗位、维修岗位接触噪声8 h等效A声级由85-89 d B(作业分级Ⅰ级,轻度危害)降低为〈85 d B(符合国家职业接触限值);试压拧扣岗位由95 d B(作业分级Ⅲ级,重度危害)降低到88 d B(作业分级Ⅰ级,轻度危害)。纯音听力测试发现试压拧扣岗位1人语频听阈提高。结论采油管修试过程中产生较高的噪声,会对劳动者健康产生不良影响。控制油管输送、移动堆放过程中产生的机械性噪声措施,是控制采油管修试过程中噪声危害的关键措施。
Objective To analyze the noise control in the oil tubing repairing factory,provide effective noise control measurement. Methods The methods of field investigation,noise measurement in workplace,the noise job grading and pure tone hearing test for workers were applied to analyze the noise. Results The noise levels decreased from 2 to 9 d B( A)after the noise control measurements had been taken during the oil transportation and stacking. The noise levels of worker'of maintenance and drift posts were below 85 d B( below the national occupational exposure limitation),which decreased from original 85- 89 d B( categoryⅠ,mild damage); The noise levels during press testing reduced from 95 d B( categoryⅢ,heavy damage) to 88 d B( categoryⅠ,mild damage). According to the results of the pure tone hearing test,the hearing threshold of a pressure testing employee elevated. Conclusion Oil tubing repairing produced high mechanical noise would damage the workers' health. Installing engineering noise controls during the oil delivering and stacking play a key role to reduce noise exposure at oil tubing repairing factory.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering
Oil tubing repairing
Mechanical noise