

Killing of Women in Crimes of Honor in Pakistan
摘要 荣誉犯罪产生于巴基斯坦部落氏族时期并延续至今,作为侵害女性人权的一种极端行为至今依然能在巴基斯坦盛行,其背后的深层原因是巴基斯坦传统与现代化之间一直存在着不可调和的矛盾,进一步分析发现,是由于无法根除的封建经济基础之上的宗法父权制以及政治生活中宗教的长期掣肘所至。 Traced back to early clans of Pakistan,so called crimes of honor crimes have existed a long time.However,they remain the extremity of violation of the human rights of women.They still prevail in Pakistan and the reason why is in the conflict between tradition and modernization of Pakistan.More specifically,conflict arising from a patriarchal order embedded in the social system which,as a consequence,has caused crimes of honor to still be rampant even there are legal provisions to abide by.
出处 《中华女子学院学报》 2015年第1期82-88,共7页 Journal of China Women's University
关键词 荣誉犯罪 巴基斯坦妇女 女性人权 父权制 honor crimes Pakistan women women' s human fights patriarchy
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