
汽车CACC系统的车头时距策略研究 被引量:13

Study on Automotive CACC System Headway Policy
摘要 针对汽车协同式自适应巡航控制(CACC:Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control)系统的车头时距策略进行改进,通过获取加速度的信号,对前车的速度变化趋势加以考虑,以提高间距策略的前瞻性和抗干扰能力。利用MATLAB/Simulink建立汽车动力学模型,在5种常见的交通情形下进行仿真,验证得到改进策略控制下的车辆有更好的适应性、安全性,同时,速度、加速度以及跟车间距的变化也更加平顺,因而驾驶乘坐的舒适性也更好。 The headway policy of cooperative adaptive cruise control system is studied and improved. Improved policy can predict the velocity variation trend of the vehicle in front by adding its acceleration signal. As a result, it can improve the perspectiveness and anti-interference performance of driving. In order to verify whether the improved policy is more effective, adaptable and safe, MATLAB / Simulink is used to do the computer simulation under five common traffic models. It turns out that the vehicle can get smoother velocity, acceleration and more suitable vehicle-to-vehicle distance. Therefore, passengers can have a better driving experience and feel more comfortable.
作者 王灿 马钧
出处 《农业装备与车辆工程》 2015年第2期60-67,共8页 Agricultural Equipment & Vehicle Engineering
关键词 协同式自适应巡航控制系统 车头时距策略 交通场景仿真 CACC system headway policy traffic scene simulation
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