
洛铂或顺铂联合依托泊苷治疗广泛期小细胞肺癌的临床观察 被引量:8

Clinical observation of lobaplatin versus cisplatin combined with etoposide in the treatment of extensivestage small cell lung cancer
摘要 目的探讨依托泊苷联合洛铂化疗方案治疗小细胞肺癌(SCLC)的近期疗效、远期生存及毒副反应。方法回顾性分析未经抗肿瘤治疗的广泛期SCLC患者85例,根据治疗方案分为两组,即依托泊苷+洛铂(EL)组42例和依托泊苷+顺铂(EP)组43例。EL组给予依托泊苷80 mg/m2,d1~d5,洛铂30 mg/m2,d1;EP组给予依托泊苷80 mg/m2,d1~d5,顺铂25mg/m2,d1~d3,21天为1周期。至少完成2个周期化疗以后评估疗效和毒副反应。结果 EL组和EP组的有效率(RR)分别为59.5%和53.5%(P〉0.05),疾病控制率(DCR)分别为80.9%和76.7%(P〉0.05),但EL组的中位无进展生存时间(PFS)为6.5个月,高于EP组的4.5个月(P〈0.05)。EL组血小板减少的发生率高于EP组,恶心呕吐及肝肾功能损害的发生率均低于EP组(P〈0.05)。结论同EP方案相比,EL方案可延长中位PFS,且消化道不良反应较轻,基本无肝肾毒性。 Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect, long term survival and side effects on small cell lung cancer(SCLC) patients treated with lobaplatin combined with etoposide.Methods Eighty-five patients with extensive-stage SCLC were retro-spectively analyzed. Among these patients, 85 patients were assigned to EL group(etoposide 80 mg/ m2, d1-d5+lobaplatin 30 mg/ m2,d1; 21 days as a cycle;n= 42) and EP group(etoposide 80 mg/ m2, d1-d5+cisplatin 25 mg/ m2, d1-d3; 21 days as a cycle;n= 43).Efficacy and toxicities were evaluated after 2 or more cycles.Results The overall response rate were 59. 5% and 53. 5%, and the dis-ease control rate were 80. 9% and 76. 7% in EL group and EP group without significant difference(P〉0. 05). The median progressionfree survival of EL group was 6. 5 months, higher than 4. 5 months in EP group with significant difference(P〈0. 05). There were higherincidences of thrombocytopenia but lower incidence of nausea and vomiting and liver and kidney impairment in EL group versus EPgroup(P〈0. 05).Conclusion Compared with the EP regimen, the EL regimen can prolong the median progression survival and re-duce gastrointestinal toxicity.
出处 《临床肿瘤学杂志》 CAS 2015年第2期168-170,共3页 Chinese Clinical Oncology
关键词 小细胞肺癌 化学治疗 依托泊苷 顺铂 洛铂 Small cell lung cancer Chemotherapy Etoposide Cisplatin Lobapaltin
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