
毛囊扁平苔藓 被引量:1

A case of lichen planopilaris
摘要 报告1例毛囊扁平苔藓。患者男,51岁。头皮隆起性斑块伴瘙痒1年。皮肤科检查:枕部左侧头皮可见数个淡紫色斑块,最大者约2.5 cm×1.5 cm,上有较多粟粒大毛囊角化性白色丘疹,伴有头发脱失,拉发试验(-)。皮损组织病理检查:表皮角化过度,毛囊口扩张,内含角质栓,漏斗部颗粒层增厚,毛囊上皮基底细胞液化变性,可见胶样小体,上皮与真皮间有裂隙形成,真皮内于毛囊周围大量淋巴细胞呈带状浸润。诊断:毛囊扁平苔藓。 A 51-year-old male presented with elevated plaques on epicranium for 1 year with itching. Physical examination showed several lavender plaques, of which the biggest one is about 2.5 cm×1.5 cm, on the left side of occipitalia with num- bers of miliary size follicular keratosis papules and hair loss, and the hair-pulling test is negative, Histopathology showed epidermal hyperkeratosis, dilation of pilosebaceons orifice with keratin plug, thickened granular layer of fimbfia, colliquation of follicular epithelium basal cell with colloid bodies, fissures between dermoepidermal junction, and band-like infiltration of a large number of lympholeukocytes around hair follicles. The diagnosis was lichen planopilaris.
出处 《临床皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期161-163,共3页 Journal of Clinical Dermatology
关键词 扁平苔藓 毛囊 lichen, follicularis
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