
开放创新联盟IT价值共创实证研究 被引量:4

Research on Cocreating IT Value in Open Innovation Alliances
摘要 开放创新联盟是基于信息技术、以IT价值共创为价值驱动力的开放协作联盟,其本质是通过IT价值共创增加市场需求,提升行业竞争力。通过分析联盟成立前后、新成员及市场领导企业加入联盟前后,联盟成员、新加入成员及联盟外竞争企业股票收益的变化,研究开放创新联盟IT价值共创的经济价值和战略价值,深入理解IT价值共创、开放创新联盟IT价值共创的内涵。实证结果表明,在中国市场经验下,开放创新联盟IT价值共创具有一定的经济价值和战略价值,联盟的开放策略还需进一步完善。 As market environment increasingly networked and openness, Open Innovation Alliances (OIAs) have been a new open and collaborative paradigm. OIAs is a IT-based alliance and takes cocreating IT value as va-lue-driver. The nature of OIAs is increasing market demand and promoting industry competition advantage by co-creating IT value. Thus, it is important to understand the potential value in cocreating IT value. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to empirical test to economic and strategic value of cocreating IT value in OIAs, ex-plores essences of cocreating IT Value and cocreating IT value in OIAs. We use the method of event study and takes abnormal return as proxy variables of market value. This paper respectively examines stock return of new members of OIAs, existing members of OIAs, and the rival firms in event window. The empirical result as fol-low: The market value of new members of OIAs, existing members of OIAs, and the peer rival firms are collec-tively improved significantly in event window. Yet, the market value of incumbent rival is not increased signifi-cantly in event window. The empirical evidence from China's stock market indicates: (1) The firm which partici-pate in an IT-based OIA would increase return and improve market value; (2) The members of an OIA would ac-quire complementary resources/capabilities and promote market value when the leader firm participate in the OIA;(3) The peer rivals would improve market return as knowledge spillover of OIAs; (4) Compared with the peer ri-vals, the incumbent rivals would not been affected by announcements of OIAs. That is, market return of incum-bent rivals would not increase as announcements of OIAs. Finally, it concludes that market has a positive re-sponse to jointly develop and management IT in multi-firms open and collaborative environment, cocreating IT va-lue in OIAs has economic and strategic value.
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期23-36,共14页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(13YJAZH044) 国家自然科学基金项目(61173052) 广东省软科学研究计划项目(2013B070206002)
关键词 开放式创新 开放创新联盟 信息技术联盟 价值共创 IT价值共创 open innovation open innovation alliances IT-based alliances value cocreation cocreating IT value
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