
基于光纤的时间伺服传递距离拓展研究 被引量:4

Study on extending transfer distance of disciplined time transferring based on optical fiber
摘要 阐述了利用单通道双向放大器(single path bidirectional amplifier,SPBA)拓展时间伺服传递距离的基本原理,利用单通道双向放大器将授时距离拓展到200km,搭建的实验系统完成了双向时间比对和终端时频信号的伺服重生,授时同步误差峰峰值为507ps。 Basic principle of extending disciplined time transfer distance based on single path bidirectional amplifier has been expatiated. By using single path bidirectional amplifier, the experiment of two-way time transfer on 200 km optical fiber has been realized. Disciplined time on remote station has been regenerated.The peak-to-peak value of synchronization error is 507 ps.
出处 《光通信技术》 北大核心 2015年第2期28-30,共3页 Optical Communication Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(61174199 61371121)资助
关键词 光纤光学 双向时间比对 时间伺服 单通道双向放大器 fiber optics two-way time transfer disciplined time single path bidirectional amplifier(SPBA)
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