目的:比较三种雾化吸入方案治疗婴幼儿急性喘息的临床疗效,探究更快缓解喘息症状的治疗方案。方法:将179例急性喘息婴幼儿随机分A、B、C 3组,A组每8 h 1次雾化吸入硫酸特布他林溶液2.5 mg和异丙托溴铵溶液0.25 mg;B组在A组基础上加用布地奈德混悬液0.5 mg,2次/天雾化吸入;C组在A组基础上加用布地奈德混悬液1 mg,每8 h 1次雾化吸入。治疗3-5 d后比较各组治疗前后临床症状、体征变化及速效β2受体激动剂(SABA)和全身型激素使用情况。结果:治疗30 min后,C组喘息急性发作评分改善较A、B两组更加显著(Z=-4.26及Z=-3.45,P〈0.01),A、B两组比较差异无统计学意义(Z=1.17,P〉0.05)。治疗3 d及5 d后三组间评分比较差异无统计学意义(H=2.86及H=0.60,P〉0.05)。三组速效β2受体激动剂和全身激素使用情况比较差异无统计学意义(χ^2=1.74及χ^2=0.95,P〉0.05)。结论:对于轻中度喘息急性发作婴幼儿,小剂量吸入型糖皮质激素(ICS)雾化吸入治疗不能明显提高疗效,早期大剂量使用ICS能够更快地缓解症状,但对后续疗效的提高没有明显促进作用。
Objective: To compare the efficacy of three different inhalation therapies for infant acute wheezing and explore the treatment which can provide more rapid symptoms relieve. Methods: Totally 179 infants of acute wheezing were randomly divided into three groups. All of the infants were treated with inhaled terbutaline sulfate and ipratropium bromide. Group B,plus budesonide suspension0. 5 mg bid. Group C,plus budesonide suspension 1 mg q 8 h. The improvement of clinical symptoms and signs of the infants in three groups were recorded and compared respectively,3 - 5 days after treatment. Results: Compared with group A and group B,the scores of acute episode of wheezing improved more significantly in group C at the time of 30 minutes after treatments( Z =-4. 26 and Z =-3. 45,P〉0. 01). There was no statistical difference between the improvements of group A and B( Z = 1. 17,P〉0. 05). The clinical symptoms and signs of the three groups improved significantly after 3 - 5 days after treatments,but there was no statistical difference( H = 2. 86 and H = 0. 60,P 〉0. 05). Meanwhile,there was no significant difference in the use of SABA and systemic corticosteroids in three groups( χ^2= 1. 74 and χ^2= 0. 95,P〉0. 05). Conclusion: For infants with mild-to-moderate acute wheezing episodes,treatment with inhaled corticosteroid in low dosage can not significantly improve the efficacy. However,early and high-dose of inhaled corticosteroid using can improve the symptoms more quickly. But no effect on the improvement of the follow-up efficacy was observed.
Journal of Pediatric Pharmacy