
一种滤除表面肌电信号中工频干扰的新型方法 被引量:5

A novel method of filtering the power-line interference in surface EMG signal
摘要 为了在滤除表面肌电信号检测中的工频干扰,在硬件检测电路中采用屏蔽检测单元、隔离检测设备、设备良好接地等方法;数字滤波部分结合实际,使用集合经验模式算法,由集合经验模式算法分解出的本征模态函数构成自适应滤波器。最后经过使用最小均方误差算法以及配合集合经验模式算法提高自适应滤波器的运算效率。为评定该自适应滤波器性能,实验基于Matlab及硬件采集设备进行了手前臂表面肌电信号检测和滤波,结果表明所设计的方法对不同相位、不同频率的工频干扰都有良好的抑制消除作用。 To eliminate the power-line interference from surface-electromyography signals, some methods were adopted, such as shielding, isolation and grounding of measurement instruments. Ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) algorithm were adopted in digital filtering to get intrinsic mode function (IMF) and then constitute an adaptive filter. The operation efficiency of the adaptive filter were improved by least mean square (LMS) algorithm and EEMD algorithm. To evaluate the filter, a detecting and fieltering experiment of arm surface-electromyography signals were performed on the basis of Matlab and related hardware acquisition devices. The results show that the proposed method has a good performance to restrain and remove the power-line interference from different phases and frequencies .
作者 汤烈 葛良全
出处 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2015年第4期30-34,共5页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 SEMG 工频干扰 EEMD 自适应滤波 LMS SEMG power-line interference EEMD adaptive filtering LMS
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