
载有槲皮素的PEG-PE胶束对乳腺癌细胞耐药性的逆转效应 被引量:8

Quercetin-loaded PEG-PE micelles reverse drug resistance of MCF-7 ADRr human breast cancer cells
摘要 目的探索载有槲皮素的PEG-PE聚合物胶束(M-Q)能否在体外逆转耐阿霉素人乳腺癌细胞(MCF-7 ADRr)的耐药性。方法将PEG-PE聚合物与槲皮素混合制备脂膜,加0.9%氯化钠注射液形成胶束,用动态光散射粒径仪表征其尺寸分布,并将其和阿霉素与MCF-7 ADRr细胞共孵育72 h,用MTS方法检测对肿瘤细胞的杀伤率。结果PEG-PE聚合物胶束能有效运载槲皮素,其包封率高达74%以上,平均粒径为11.11 nm左右,与游离槲皮素相比,M-Q能在体外更大程度地逆转MCF-7 ADRr细胞对于阿霉素的耐药性(P<0.05),且PEG-PE胶束自身对靶细胞无明显杀伤作用。结论载有槲皮素的PEG-PE胶束在逆转肿瘤耐药性方面具有应用潜能。 Objective To explore whether quercetin-loaded PEG-PE micelles( M-Q) can synergize the growth-inhibitory activity of adriamycin prepared( ADR) by reversing the drug resistance of MCF-7 ADRr breast cancer cells in vitro. Methods M-Q was prepared by adding saline to lipid film containing quercetin and PEG-PE. The size of M-Q was characterized by dynamic light scattering( DLS). The inhibition of MCF-7 ADRr cells was evaluated by MTS assay after incubation with M-Q and ADR. Results The incorporation efficiency of quercetin by the micelles was above 74%. The average size of M-Q was 11. 11 nm. Compared with the quercetin dissolved in ethanol,M-Q more effectively reversed the drug resistance of MCF-7 ADRr cells in vitro. Conclusions PEG-PE micelles may potentially deliver quercetin to cancer cells for reversal of drug resistance.
出处 《基础医学与临床》 CSCD 2015年第2期174-177,共4页 Basic and Clinical Medicine
基金 科技部重大科学计划(2011CB933504)
关键词 PEG-PE 胶束 槲皮素 MCF-7 ADRr细胞 PEG-PE micelles quercetin MCF-7 ADRr cells
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