
鼻孔宽度法选择小儿气管插管加强型号应用于小儿脑瘫FSPR的效果观察 被引量:8

Clinical observation on the accuracy of nostril width method in intubation model choose in children with cerebral palsy FSPR surgery
摘要 目的评价鼻孔宽度法在小儿脑瘫功能性选择性脊神经后跟离断术(FSPR)中选择气管插管加强型号的准确性。方法选择356例行小儿脑瘫FSPR,按鼻孔宽度选择气管插管加强型号,与改良体质量法选择的气管插管加强型号进行比较。采用Kappa一致性检验和秩相关分析,比较两种方法所选气管插管加强型号之间的一致性。结果 Kappa=0.81,秩相关系数为0.905,两种方法所选择的气管插管加强型号之间呈高度一致性(P<0.01)。其中298例(83.7%)患儿两种方法选择了相同型号的气管插管加强型号,58例(16.3%)两种方法选择的气管插管加强型号相差一个型号。结论鼻孔宽度法在小儿脑瘫FSPR中选择气管插管加强型号是可靠而简便的方法。 Objective To evaluate the accuracy of nostril width method in intubation model choose in children with cerebral palsy FSPR surgery.Methods Three hundred and fifty six cases of cerebral palsy FSPR surgery were selected,the endotracheal intubation were selected by nose width method and modified weight method,and then we made a comparison between the two methods.Kappa consistency test and rank correlation analysis were both used to analyze the consistency.Results With Kappa=0.81,rank correlation coefficient 0.905,we could know that there was high degree of consistency between the two methods(P〈0.01),of which 298cases(83.7%)children selected the same model intubation strengthen model in different method,58cases(16.3%)pediatric intubation choice of two methods differ by one model.Conclusion Nostril width method was simple and reliable to select intubation in pediatric surgery to strengthen FSPR model.
出处 《重庆医学》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第5期647-648,共2页 Chongqing medicine
关键词 鼻孔宽度法 小儿气管插管加强型号 小儿脑瘫功能性选择性脊神经后跟离断术 nostril width method pediatric intubation model of pediatric surgery FSPR
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