
Lattice Solid/Boltzmann Microscopic Model to Simulate Solid/Fluid Systems——A Tool to Study Creation of Fluid Flow Networks for Viable Deep Geothermal Energy 被引量:5

Lattice Solid/Boltzmann Microscopic Model to Simulate Solid/Fluid Systems——A Tool to Study Creation of Fluid Flow Networks for Viable Deep Geothermal Energy
摘要 SUMMARY: Realizing the potential of geothermal energy as a cheap, green, sustainable resource to provide for the planet's future energy demands that a key geophysical problem be solved first: how to develop and maintain a network of multiple fluid flow pathways for the time required to deplete the heat within a given region. We present the key components for micro-scale particle-based numerical modeling of hydraulic fracture, and fluid and heat flow in geothermal reservoirs. They are based on the latest developments of ESyS-Particle--the coupling of the lattice sofid model (LSM) to simulate the nonlinear dynamics of complex solids with the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) applied to the nonlinear dynamics of coupled fluid and heat flow in the complex solid-fluid system. The coupled LSM/LBM can be used to simulate development of fracture systems in discontinuous media, elastic stress release, fluid injection and the consequent slip at joint surfaces, and hydraulic fractur- ing; heat exchange between hot rocks and water within flow pathways created through hydraulic fracturing; and fluid flow through complex, narrow, compact and gouge- or powder-f'flled fracture and joint systems. We demonstrate the coupled LSM/LBM to simulate the fundamental processes listed above, which are all components for the generation and sustainability of the hot-fractured rock geothermal energy fracture systems required to exploit this new green-energy resource. SUMMARY: Realizing the potential of geothermal energy as a cheap, green, sustainable resource to provide for the planet's future energy demands that a key geophysical problem be solved first: how to develop and maintain a network of multiple fluid flow pathways for the time required to deplete the heat within a given region. We present the key components for micro-scale particle-based numerical modeling of hydraulic fracture, and fluid and heat flow in geothermal reservoirs. They are based on the latest developments of ESyS-Particle--the coupling of the lattice sofid model (LSM) to simulate the nonlinear dynamics of complex solids with the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) applied to the nonlinear dynamics of coupled fluid and heat flow in the complex solid-fluid system. The coupled LSM/LBM can be used to simulate development of fracture systems in discontinuous media, elastic stress release, fluid injection and the consequent slip at joint surfaces, and hydraulic fractur- ing; heat exchange between hot rocks and water within flow pathways created through hydraulic fracturing; and fluid flow through complex, narrow, compact and gouge- or powder-f'flled fracture and joint systems. We demonstrate the coupled LSM/LBM to simulate the fundamental processes listed above, which are all components for the generation and sustainability of the hot-fractured rock geothermal energy fracture systems required to exploit this new green-energy resource.
出处 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期11-19,共9页 地球科学学刊(英文版)
关键词 lattice Boltzmann particle-fluid interaction geothermal energy coupled lattice solid/lattice Boitzmann model discrete element method lattice solid model. lattice Boltzmann particle-fluid interaction, geothermal energy, coupled lattice solid/lattice Boitzmann model, discrete element method, lattice solid model.
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