
A Combinational Power Analysis Method against Cryptographic Hardware

A Combinational Power Analysis Method against Cryptographic Hardware
摘要 Power analysis is a non-invasive attack against cryptographic hardware,which effectively exploits runtime power consumption characteristics of circuits.This paper proposes a new power model which combines Hamming Distance model and the model based on the template value of power consumption in combinational logic circuit.The new model can describe the power consumption characteristics of sequential logic circuits and those of combinational logic as well.The new model can be used to improve the existing power analysis methods and detect the information leakage of power consumption.Experimental results show that,compared to CPA(Correlation Power Analysis)method,our proposed attack which adopt the combinational model is more efficient in terms of the number of required power traces. Power analysis is a non-invaslve attack against cryptographic hardware, which effectively exploits runtime power consumption characteristics of circuits. This paper proposes a new power model which combines Hamming Distance model and the model based on the template value of power consumption in combinational logic circuit. The new model can describe the power consumption characteristics of sequential logic circuits and those of combinational logic as well. The new model can be used to improve the existing power analysis methods and detect the information leakage of power consumption. Experimental results show that, compared to CPA(Correlation Power Analysis) method, our proposed attack which adopt the combinational model is more efficient in terms of the number of required power traces.
出处 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期99-107,共9页 中国通信(英文版)
基金 supported by Major State Basic Research Development Program(No. 2013CB338004) National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.61402286, 61202372,61202371,61309021) National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No.2014ZX01032401-001)
关键词 加密硬件 电源分析 组合逻辑电路 距离模型 功率分析 功耗特性 时序逻辑电路 信息泄露 cryptographic hardware side channel attack power analysis combinational logic
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