
Constructing the Cocyclic Structures for Crossed Coproduct Coalgebras

Constructing the Cocyclic Structures for Crossed Coproduct Coalgebras
摘要 In this paper, we construct a cocylindrical object associated to two coalgebras and a cotwisted map. It is shown that there exists an isomorphism between the cocyclic object of the crossed coproduet coalgebra induced from two coalgebras with a cotwisted map and the cocyclic object related to the diagonal of the cocylindrical object. In this paper, we construct a cocylindrical object associated to two coalgebras and a cotwisted map. It is shown that there exists an isomorphism between the cocyclic object of the crossed coproduet coalgebra induced from two coalgebras with a cotwisted map and the cocyclic object related to the diagonal of the cocylindrical object.
出处 《Communications in Mathematical Research》 CSCD 2015年第1期81-88,共8页 数学研究通讯(英文版)
基金 The NSF(11261063,11171183)of China the Fund(2012ZDXK03)of the Key Disciplines in the General Colleges and Universities of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region the Foundation(2013721043)for Excellent Youth Science and Technology Innovation Talents of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region the NSF(ZR2011AM013)of Shandong Province
关键词 Hopf algebra crossed coproduct coalgebra coeyclic object Hopf algebra, crossed coproduct coalgebra, coeyclic object
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