
微系统技术创新发展策略研究 被引量:8

Investigation on the Innovating Development Strategy of Microsystems Technologies
摘要 简略论述了国际上重要公司微系统重点发展技术和策略,以及成为热点的3D集成技术及其主要开发联盟。初步探讨了我国微系统技术和产业创新发展策略,明确提出了建立以标准开发为目的的联合开发平台建议、重点开发的关键技术和微系统光电技术路线图。 The developing emphases for international famous enterprises of the technologies and strategies of microsystems were presented concisely on the focus of three dimensional integrated circuits and the main collaborating alliances in the industry.The strategies for innovatively developing technologies and industries of microsystems in our country were discussed preliminarily.Suggestions for establishing alliances to create standard,the key technologies needed to be exploited with great effort,and the optoelectronic technologies roadmap for microsystems were definitely proposed.
出处 《微电子学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期81-87,共7页 Microelectronics
关键词 微系统 异质集成 3D集成 标准开发联盟 Microsystems Heterogeneous integration Three dimensional integration Standard development alliances
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