
替莫唑胺治疗脑胶质瘤耐药机制的研究进展 被引量:9

Research progress on drug resistance mechanism of temozolomide in treatment of glioma
摘要 替莫唑胺是一种新型口服化疗药,它被广泛用于治疗恶性脑胶质瘤.多形性胶质母细胞瘤是Ⅳ级脑肿瘤,由异质群体的细胞所组成,具有高度的渗透性,血管生成性及对化学治疗的耐药性等特点.目前标准的治疗方案为术后切除放化疗,但由于替莫唑胺的耐药性,治疗后只能为患者提供12~14个月的生存期.总结了有关耐药的几种DNA修复机制及其他相关因素,揭示了一些导致替莫唑胺耐药的分子机制及一些可能的治疗新靶点,同时讨论了一些可能的解决方法. Temozolomide (TMZ) is a new oral chemotherapy agent to be approved for the treatment of high-grade malignant gliomas. Glioblastoma multiform (GBM) is a grade IV brain tumor characterized by a heterogeneous population of cells that are highly infiltrative, angiogenie, and resistant to chemotherapy. The current standard of care, comprised of surgical resection followed by radiation and the chemotherapeutic agent TMZ, only provides the patients with a 12-14 month survival period post-diagnosis. In this review we will describe several DNA repairing mechanisms of drug resistance and other relevant factors. Revealing a growing number of molecular mechanisms contributing to TMZ resistance and a broad range of potentially novel targets for therapy, at the same time we discuss some possible solution.
作者 郭珊珊 阎昭
出处 《药物评价研究》 CAS 2014年第6期561-565,共5页 Drug Evaluation Research
关键词 替莫唑胺 耐药 自噬 碱基切除修复 O^6-甲基鸟嘌呤-DNA-甲基转移酶 错配修复 DNA单链断裂修复 temozolomide resistance autophagy base excision repair O^6-methyl guanine-DNA methyl transferase mismatch repair DNA single-strand break repair pathway
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