

Value-directed Remembering: Method, Progress and Theoretical Explanation
摘要 价值导向记忆指的是选择性的分配注意及认知资源于高价值信息上(相较于低价值信息)的一种记忆活动,以往研究均采用选择性任务范式探讨价值导向记忆,并提出选择、优化和补偿理论,优先回忆模型,元认知修正注意假说,差异性资源分配假说及信息减少假说解释价值导向记忆。但由于关注角度不同,已有理论并不能充分说明价值导向记忆的加工机制,且未得到充分的验证。未来研究应进一步验证价值导向记忆的理论假说,并考察价值导向记忆的神经机制。 The process of value-directed remembering(VDR) involves selectively attending to and recalling high-value information relative to lower-value information. The existing research of VDR used the selectivity paradigm and put forward the metacognition modifying attention(MMA), the selection, optimization and compensation framework(SOC), a priority-recall model(PRM), differential resource allocation hypothesis(DR) and information reduction hypotheses(ID), in order to explain the VDR. However, all of the hypotheses could not reveal the processing mechanism of VDR from different angles. Further researches are expected to explore the theoretical explanation of VDR and its neural mechanism.
出处 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2015年第2期6-11,共6页 Journal of Ningbo University(Educational Science Edition)
关键词 价值导向记忆 选择性任务 元认知 年老化 神经机制 value-directed remembering selectivity paradigm metacognition aging neural mechanism
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