
基于铜离子活化的非晶态硫化镍净化除铜研究 被引量:2

Removal of copper by amorphous nickel sulfide based on copper ion activation
摘要 为满足工业除铜的需要,研究制备了具有大比表面积、活性高、能够防止空气中被氧化的非晶态活性硫化镍.在除铜过程中加入了铜离子活化剂以提高铜离子反应性,同时考察了各种条件对硫化镍除铜的影响.实验结果表明,在pH =3.0~3.5,温度为65℃,铜离子与活性硫化镍的摩尔比为1∶0.9的条件下反应20 min,除铜后溶液中的铜离子质量浓度<3 mg/L,除铜渣中的铜镍的物质的量的比大于15∶1,除铜效果满足工业生产的要求.此外,活性硫化镍在还原性水溶液中陈化33 d后,仍然能保持较高的活性. An activated amorphous nickel sulfide which has large surface area and high activity and prevents from being oxidized in the air is prepared to meet the requirements of industrial production. The influences of different reaction conditions on copper-removing are investigated. The reactivity of copper ions can be improved when a suitable amount of activating agent is added. The results show that removing copper with activated nickel sulfide will satisfy the industrial demand under the following conditions : 1 : 1.09 molar ratio of copper ion and nickel sulfide, 3.0 - 3.5 of pH and 20 minutes of reaction at 60~C. The concentration of copper is less than 3 mg/L in the electrolyte solution and the mass ratio of copper to nickel is more than 15:1 in the residue after removal of copper. In addition, after the activated nickel sulfide is kept in reduction solution for 33 days, it can still maintain a higher activity.
出处 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期104-107,共4页 Modern Chemical Industry
基金 甘肃省科技重大专项项目(143GKDC012) 中国科学院科技支甘择优项目(2013-6-5ZY)
关键词 非晶态 硫化镍 活化 除铜 amorphous nickel sulfide activation copper removal
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