
纳滤膜深度处理维C制药废水的响应面法优化 被引量:4

Response surface methodology optimize nanofiltration membrane advanced treatment of vitamin C wastewater
摘要 选用型号为NFW的纳滤膜处理维生素C(简称维C)废水,进水COD、TOC平均浓度和电导率分别为160mg/L、18.21mg/L和18.62mS/cm,COD和TOC去除率为93.75%和95.67%,脱盐率为38.01%.采用响应面法分析了膜运行主要操作条件(操作压力P;温度T;进水流量Q)与膜污染评价指标(膜通量和污染指数)的关联性并建立了拟合方程,在此基础上获得了最优操作条件.结果表明:关于膜通量和污染指数的二次拟合方程,决定系数(R2)分别是97.53%和90.04%,拟合结果良好.该拟合方程获得的纳滤膜处理维C废水的最优操作条件为:压力P=966kPa,温度T=24℃,进水流量Q=456L/h.实验验证结果表明,上述最优操作条件结果可靠. Vitamin C wastewater with high concentrations of organic matter and salt,so it is of great significance to reuse it.The average concentrations of COD,TOC and conductivity are 160 mg/L,18.21mg/L and 18.62mS/cm,respectively.The removal of COD,TOC and desalination is 93.75%,95.67%and 38.01%.The quality of the permeate water has reached the reclaimed water quality.By means of the Box-Behnken response surface methodology experiment,influence significance and interactions of three factors(operating pressure,P;feed temperature,T;feed flow rate,Q)were studied,and regression models were established to control membrane fouling in vitamin C wastewater reclamation.The optimum conditions of NFW membrane were pressure of 966 kPa,Tof 24℃and feed flow rate of 456L/h,respectively.The experiment results show that the optimum conditions are reliable.
出处 《膜科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期89-95,共7页 Membrane Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51108230) 国家863计划课题(2009AA063901)
关键词 纳滤膜 维生素C废水 多目标响应面优化 nanofiltration membrane vitamin C wastewater multiple response optimization
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