
一种改进的非锐化掩模深度图像增强算法 被引量:10

An improved unsharp masking method for depth map enhancement
摘要 针对深度图像平滑过程中会模糊细节的缺点,提出了自适应的非锐化掩模深度图像增强算法.首先将深度图对应的彩色图像作为联合双边滤波的引导图,利用彩色图像相关特征修复了深度图像的缺失和毛糙,然后将双边滤波后的深度图像与高斯滤波后的深度图像作差,提取出不含噪声的高频部分,克服了经典非锐化掩模算法放大高频噪声的缺点,最后根据边缘以及细节的模糊程度,自适应地调节叠加到图像上的高频部分.实验结果表明,设计的算法有效地增强了深度图像细节,抑制了平坦区域的噪声,并填补了边缘缺失,较好地改善了深度图像的质量. An adaptive unsharp masking filter is proposed to enhance the details blurred in the depth map filtered. Firstly,the color image is used as guided image in joint bilateral filter to recover the lost region and reduce the noise. Then a mask is extracted by subtracting a low-pass filtered depth map from the bilateral filtered depth map,which effectively overcomes the shortcoming of traditional method that amplifies highfrequency noise. Finally,according to degree of blur,the spatial importance is adaptively added to the depth map filtered. Experimental results show that the proposed method performs better in enhancing the details,reducing noise and recovering the lost region of depth map.
作者 冯策 戴树岭
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期107-112,共6页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50975010) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(YWF-13-D2-HK-26)
关键词 深度图 图像增强 非锐化掩模 双边滤波 深度图修复 depth map image enhancement unsharp masking bilateral filter depth map inpainting
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