试验旨在研究不同添加水平丝兰植物提取物对仔猪生长性能的影响,并探索其在仔猪饲料中最佳添加量。试验选择35日龄、平均体重为9.30±0.92 kg断奶仔猪120头,按照体重相近、公母各半、遗传特性一致的原则随机分为4组,每组3个重复,每个重复10头。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验1、2、3组分别在基础日粮中添加丝兰提取物60、120、180 g·t-1,试验期共20 d。试验结果表明,在饲料中添加不同水平的丝兰提取物能提高仔猪日增重,其中添加丝兰提取物120 g·t-1效果最佳。与对照组相比,饲料中添加丝兰提取物120 g·t-1仔猪日增重、日采食量比对照组分别显著提高17.95%、9.0%(P<0.05);仔猪料肉比显著降低7.8%(P<0.05);同时,饲粮中添加丝兰提取物能显著降低仔猪腹泻指数和腹泻频率(P<0.05),其中仔猪腹泻指数和腹泻频率顺序为60 g·t-1组>180 g·t-1组>120 g·t-1组。结果表明,饲粮中添加丝兰提取物能够提高仔猪生长性能,且最适添加剂量为120 g·t-1。
To study effects of adding different levels of Yucca extract on production performance and explore itsoptimal dosage in piglet feed. One hurdred and weanling piglets(thirty-five days old) about 9.30 kg body weight wereselected according to their weight and sex,and randomly divided into four groups for three replicates of ten pigs each.The control group were feeding basal diet,group 1 were supplemented 60 g·t^-1ucca extract in basal diet,group 2were supplemented 120 g·t^-1ucca extract in basal diet,group 3 were supplemented 180 g·t^-1ucca extract in bas-al diet. The experiment lasted for twenty days. The results showed that different levels of Yucca extract added in thefeed can improve piglets daily gain,add 120 g · t- 1of Yucca extract was best. Compared with control group,adding120 g·t^-1ucca extract in feed,daily gain,daily feed intake of piglets respectively increased by 17.95% and 9.0%(P〈0.05); piglet feed conversion rate decreased 7.8%,significant difference(P〈0.05); at the same time,basal diet addedYucca extract could significantly reduce the diarrhea piglets index and diarrhea frequency(P〈0.05),including diar-rhea piglets index and diarrhea frequency size order: 60 g·t^-180 g·t^-120 g·t^-1 The results show that the basaldiet added Yucca extract can improve piglet growth performance,appropriate adding dose of 120 g·t^-1
Feed Review
Yucca extract
weaning piglet
production performance