目的探讨家庭和电话随访对髋关节置换术后患者生存质量的影响。方法将112例髋关节置换术后患者分为研究组和对照组,每组各56例。研究组患者出院后实施家庭和电话随访,对照组患者出院后门诊复诊。出院1年后,采用SF-36生存质量量表(the medical outcomes study 36-Item short-form health survey,SF-36QOL)对患者进行测评。结果出院1年后,研究组患者SF-36 QOL总分及各维度得分高于对照组,两组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论家庭和电话随访能有效促进髋关节置换术后患者生理功能恢复,提高患者生存质量。
Objective To explore the effects of family and telephone follow-up on quality of life of the patients with tota1 hip arthroplasty(THA).Methods One hundred and twelve patients with THA were randomly divided into experiment group and control group with 56 cases in each group.The experiment group was treated with rehabilitative instruction by family and telephone follow-up.The control group was treated with outpatient follow-up after leaving the hospital.The living quality in both groups were compared by the medical outcomes study 36-item short-form health survey(SF-36 QOL)one year after leaving the hospital.Results One-year after leaving the hospital,the total score and demension score of experiment group were better than those of the control group.There was significant difference between the control group and in experiment group(P〈0.05).Conclusion Family and telephone follow-up is an effective implementation for THA patients to accomplish physiological functional recovery and promote the quality of life.
Modern Clinical Nursing
total hip arthroplasty
family follow-up
telephone follow-up
quality of life