目的探讨核素显像诊断亚急性甲状腺炎的意义.方法收集已临床确诊的93例亚急性甲状腺炎患者临床资料,对其99 mTcO-4甲状腺显像、血清免疫学检查和甲状腺摄碘131率测定结果进行分析.结果 72例患者甲状腺静态显像表现为甲状腺两叶或一叶不显影,12例患者表现为局部放射性稀疏或缺损.核素显像阳性率为90.3%(84/93),血清学检测结果阳性率为89.2%(83/93),甲状腺摄碘131率阳性率为84.9%(79/93).结论甲状腺静态显像对诊断亚急性甲状腺炎具有不可替代的作用.
Objective To investigate the significance of radionuclide imaging in the diagnosis of subacute thyroiditis. Methods Data from 93 patients with subacute thyroiditis confirmed in clinic were collected. The results of ^99m TcO4^- thyroid imaging, serum radioimmunoassay and thyroid131 I uptake rate were analyzed. Results 72 cases with subacute thyroiditis showed unclear outline of the thyroid gland and 12 cases showed local sparseness and defect. The positive rate of ^99mTcO4^- thyroid imaging was 90. 3%(84/93). The positive rate of serum radioimmunoassay was 89 . 2%( 83/93 ) . The positive rate of iodine uptake rate was 84 . 9%( 79/93 ) . Conclusion Thyroid static imaging can play an irreplaceable role in the diagnosis of subacute thyroiditis.
Journal of Beihua University(Natural Science)