

Textual Research on “Local Tyrant”
摘要 "土豪"称谓大约出现在魏晋南北朝时期。土豪可划分为阶段型土豪、持久型土豪、原始型土豪三种类型。阶段型土豪的特征是其阶段性;持久型土豪更为安于现状,表现为对自身阶层的满足感及对其所在特定区域内影响力的捍卫行为;原始型土豪一般出现于动荡的政治局势中,依凭勇力、胆识或豪侠之气闻名于当地从而达到特定的目的,即时势所造的英雄式土豪。魏晋以降至唐末五代是"土豪"群体品格特征愈来愈宽的时期,此时期内"土豪"群体形成了诸如不忠、尚武、逐利等品格特征,唐末宋初以降,"土豪"群体的这些特征开始倾向于贬义,并且逐渐为统治阶级所不容,"土豪"群体也渐趋衰落,"土豪"称谓开始了愈来愈狭的过程。 The appellation of "local tyrant" appears in Wei, Jin Northern and Southern Dynasties sooner orlater. Local tyrant can be divided into temperary, persisitent and primitive types.The temperary type localtyrant is characterized by its periodicity; persistent local tyrant is more content with the status quo, expressingas the satisfaction of their own class and defence of their influence behavior within a specific area. Theprimitive local tyrant usually appears in the turbulent political situation, relying upon its power, courage orchivalry known in the region so as to achieve a specific purpose, that is, the times produces their heroes.During the time of Wei and Jin Northern and Southern Dynasties, late Dang Dynasty until the Five Dynasties,"Local tyrant" group gradually formed such moral features as disloyalty, warrior and profit-pursuit at thisperiod, Since the late Tang Dynasty and early Song Dynasty, these features of "Local tyrant" groups tend tobederogatory sense and hardly tolerated by the ruling class steo by step, With "Local tyrant" group graduallyfading, such an appellation walked into narrower and narrower course.
出处 《温州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第2期94-99,共6页 Journal of Wenzhou University:Social Science Edition
关键词 土豪 阶段型土豪 持久型土豪 原始型土豪 魏晋南北朝 唐末宋初 LocalTyrant Temperary Local Tyrant Persistent LocalTyrant Primitive Local Tyrant Wei, JinNorthern and Southern Dynasties late Tang Dynasty and early Song Dynasty
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