
“自由”与“专政”的思想谱系 法国大革命前后政治—社会学说的转变 被引量:4

The Ideal Pedigree of “Liberty”and “Dictatorship”:The Evolution of Politic-Society Theory around the French Revolution
摘要 自由与专政是法国革命的两个面向,法国革命的政治文化亦随之打上激进性的烙印,但在法国的政治理论脉络中,不乏有尝试在各个极端倾向之间寻求平衡点的思想传统:孟德斯鸠、贡斯当、斯塔尔夫人、托克维尔等堪称其代表,他们的共通之处在于探讨政治问题时都十分关注对社会维度的考量。在孟德斯鸠关于政体的性质与本原之间关系的讨论中,呈现出政制与民情间的互动模式;贡斯当承袭了孟德斯鸠古今社会形态差异的议题,以古今自由之变为视角,提出在一个幅员广阔、奉行人民主权原则的共和国中探讨现代自由内涵的问题;作为他的知己与战友,斯塔尔夫人努力探索构建一个能够保障现代人自由的共和政体:"制度的专政";托克维尔则进一步从民情角度切入,努力探索完善民主社会并使共和制最终摆脱帝制幽灵的良方。 Liberty and dictatorship are two respects of the French Revolution, the political culture of which was branded with radicalism. But there is also a school of moderate French political thinkers, including Montesquieu, Benjamin Constant,Mme de Stall and Tocqueville, who tried to seek a balance point among various radical tendencies, and whose common point was to emphasis the social dimension while discussing the political issues. As for Montesquieu, he divided the state nature into three different types according to the social pattern in different historical stages,and his discussion of the relationship between the nature and the principle underlined the interactive mode between the politic and the society. As an heir to Montesquieu's discussion on the differences between the ancient social pattern and the modern one, Benjamin Constant clarified the difference between "the Liberty of Ancients" and "the Liberty of Moderns", the connotation of which should be discussed in a Republic built in a great country, and the fundamental principle of which is Popular Sovereignty. Mme de Sta61, soul mate of Constant, investigated on how to construct a republican system, with which people can realize the Liberty of Moderns, and which she named "the Dictatorship of Institutions", the aim of which was to satisfy the circumstantial demands, and at the same time to influence the mores consciously,and to erect a solid social republican system. However, far from Republic failed into depotism again infrastructure for the consolidation of entering into the stability, the French and again due to the fragile social infrastructure. With regards to Tocqueville, who no longer confined himself to influencing the mores with the aid of state construction, approached the topic directly from the respective of mores, and tried to explore how to improve the democratic society,and how French Republic could get rid of the despotism.
作者 潘丹
机构地区 北京大学历史系
出处 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期58-80,共23页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
基金 北京市哲学社会科学规划项目 北京市教育委员会人文社会科学研究计划重点项目"19世纪法国的社会危机及社会重建研究"(SZ201410028010)的阶段性成果~~
关键词 政治与社会 自由 专政 法国革命 politic- society, liberty, dictatorship, French Revolution
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