
东亚国家间信任生成与流失的逻辑:本体性安全的视角 被引量:16

The Logic of Trust Building in East Asia:The Ontological Security Perspective
摘要 信任的缺失已经严重影响到东亚一体化进程和中国的周边安全环境。那么,引起东亚国家间信任生成与流失的逻辑是什么?文章试图从国家本体性安全与维护国家本体性安全的国际秩序这两个变量的互动关系对上述问题进行分析。文章认为,东亚国际秩序、国家本体性安全与国家间信任之间存在逻辑关系,即在能够有效维护国家本体性安全的国际秩序中,国家间的信任水平较高;而在无法有效维护国家本体性安全的国际秩序中,国家间的信任水平较低。依据这一逻辑,文章在考察了这两个变量在东亚国际秩序演化进程中的相互关系后,重点关注后冷战时期东亚国家间信任的变动,并指出东亚国际秩序的转型一方面提供了维护各国本体性安全的保障,引起东亚国家间信任的生成,另一方面又激发了东亚国家的本体性安全需求,引起东亚国家间信任的流失。 The present deficit of trust in East Asia has seriously impacted the process of ASEAN integration,and China's security vis-a-vis neighboring states.What is the logic driving gains or losses in confidence between East Asian states? This article considers the interaction between two variables in attempting to answer this question:state ontological security and the international system safeguarding state ontological security.In doing so,the article does not attempt to consider the mechanisms or paths through which confidence between East Asian states is built or lost.Instead it argues that there does exist a logic in the relationship between the East Asia international security order,state ontological security and interstate trust,namely that:the level of trust between states will be high when the international order is able to effectively safeguard state ontological security;at the same time,the level of trust between states will be low when the international order is not able to effectively ensure state ontological security.On the basis of this logic,after considering the relationship between these two variables within the context of the evolving international order in East Asia,the article studies changes in trust between East Asian states following the end of the Cold War.It points out that while changes in the East Asian international order have ensured the ontological security of states in the region and built trust between states,at the same time changes have also created ontological security needs on the part of states,thereby resulting in a loss of confidence between them.
作者 包广将
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期38-62,157-158,共25页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
基金 2013年国家社会科学基金青年项目"价值观外交对中国与GMS国家信任关系的影响研究"(项目编号:13CGJ013)的阶段性成果
关键词 信任 本体性安全 东亚国际秩序 Trust Ontological Security East Asia International Order
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