
更加关注供给侧的宏观经济管理——因应国内外形势变化的积极调整 被引量:32

More Focus on the Macro Economic Management of the Supply Side:An Active Adjustment Adapting to the Change of International and Domestic Situations
摘要 总供求的基本平衡是经济平稳健康增长的基本条件和重要标志。我国当前高投资率、低消费率和高外贸依存度的需求结构特征亟待调整的根源在于国内外经济形势的变动使得总供求的平衡越来越难以维系,突出表现是普遍、严重和蔓延的产能过剩。在当前背景下,为化解产能过剩,提升经济效益,宏观经济管理在不忽视需求侧的同时应该更关注供给侧,目的是在供求基本平衡中实现经济结构的深度调整,为经济持续健康增长注入持久性内生动力,以结构的优化实现经济再平衡。 The balance between total supply and total demand is a basic condition and an important symbol for stable and healthy economic growth.The root that China's current demand structure characteristics of high investment rate, low consumption rate and high dependence on foreign trade need to be adjusted is the fluctuation of both the domestic and international economic situations that lead to total supply and demand balance is more and more difficult to sustain. It is specially featured by universal, severe and spreading overcapacity. Therefore, to reduce the excess production capacity in the current context and promote economic efficiency, more focus should be given to the macroeconomic management of the supply side without ignoring the demand side at the same time. Its purpose is to achieve the further adjustment of the economic structure on the basic balance of supply and demand, thus to bring persistent endogenous power for economic growth and strive the economy rebalance on the basis of structure optimizing.
作者 郝身永 那艺
出处 《当代经济管理》 CSSCI 2015年第4期1-5,共5页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目<基本公共服务的配置结构 决策参与与农民工公平感关系研究>(14CSH034) 国家社会科学基金重大项目<经济稳定增长前提下优化投资与消费的动态关系研究>(12&ZD088)国家自然科学基金青年项目<短视认知偏差 偏好动态不一致与地方政府投资中的冲动或拖延:机制分析与管理建议>(71103094)
关键词 供给管理 供求平衡 结构调整 内生动力 supply management supply and demand balance structure adjustment endogenous power
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