The idea of building the Maritime Silk Road is a turning point for China's further development under the new situation. It suggests a significant change of China's role from a passive follower to a positive contributor within the international order dominated by America ever since the Second World War. This change certainly has a great impact on America. As a result, it is quite essential for Chinese scholars to study how to reduce the potential clashes between two countries and maintain a friendly relationship with the Southeast Asia countries as well. The key point in building the Maritime Silk Road is to choose proper countries as our partners or what are called‘service stations on the sea routes', which can implement the strategy in practical terms and set good examples of cooperation for the rest. Considering the historical, cultural and geographic factors, Thailand and Malaysia could be our prior choices. We should work together and strengthen the cooperation centering on economic development to‘push'China into the position it deserves. All these efforts will finally create mutually-benefited and win-win results in a peaceful way which will be helpful to alleviate the external pressure China bears in the process of its rise.
Journal of PLA Nanjing Institute of Politics