目的 :探讨PHLPP1及PHLPP2在食管上皮内瘤变及食管鳞癌组织中的表达及其临床意义。方法 :采用q RT-PCR方法检测40对食管上皮内瘤变及其正常对照组织和63对食管鳞癌及其正常对照组织中PHLPP1及PHLPP2 m RNA的表达情况,并探讨其表达量与临床病理资料的关系。结果:食管鳞癌组织中PHLPP1和PHLPP2 m RNA的表达水平均明显低于正常对照组织及上皮内瘤变组织(P<0.05)。食管上皮内瘤变组织中PHLPP1和PHLPP2 m RNA的表达水平与正常对照组织无统计学差异(P>0.05)。病理分级Ⅲ级的食管鳞癌患者组织中PHLPP1和PHLPP2 m RNA的表达水平均明显低于Ⅰ~Ⅱ级患者(P<0.01),TNM分期Ⅲ期的食管鳞癌患者组织中PHLPP1和PHLPP2 m RNA的表达水平均明显低于Ⅰ~Ⅱ期患者(P<0.01)。结论 :PHLPP1及PHLPP2表达水平与食管鳞癌发生发展与恶性程度密切相关,有望成为食管鳞癌诊断的新靶点。
Objective:To investigate the expression and clinicopathologic significance of PHLPPI and PHLPP2 in esophageal intraepithelial neoplasia and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). Methods:qRT-PCR was used to quantify PHLPPl and PHLPP2 tuRN A expression in 40 pairs of esophageal intraepithelial neoplasia and their matched normal tissues, and 63 pairs of ESCC tissues and their matched normal esophageal tissues. The association of PHLPP1 and PHLPP2 expression with tile clinicopathologic features was evaluated in 103 cases of esophageal intraepithelial neoplasia and ESCC patients. Results:The mRNA expression of PHLPP1 and PHLPP2 was significantly downregulated in ESCC tissue samples compared to the matched nol^nal tissues and intraepithelial neoplasia tissues (P 〈 0.05). Levels of PHLPP1 or PHLPP2 mRNA had no significantly change in esophageal intraepithelial neoplasia compared to their matched normal tissues(P 〉 0.05). PHLPP1 and PHLPP2 wel~ expressed at relatively high levels in ESCC with an early pathological grade( I/1I ),and markedly decreased in Grade III tumors (P 〈 0.01 ). In addition,tile expression of PHLPP1 and PHLPP2 between patients with TNM stage I / Ⅱ and stage Ⅲ of ESCC tissues was statistically significant (P 〈 0.01 ). Conclusion: Aberrant expression of PHLPP1 and PHLPP2 was closely related to the development and progression of ESCC. PHLPP1 and PHLPP2 may act as a prognostic marker for this widespread disease.
Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)