

Improvement of control system of laboratory sulfonation device
摘要 简述了实验室磺化装置工作原理。在满足装置实验功能的前提下,将原有仪表控制系统升级改造为西门子触摸屏TP1200,结合全集成自动化软件TIA实现整个系统的控制功能。对实验室磺化装置控制方案做了详细阐述。改进后的实验装置功能更全面,控制更灵活,显示更直观,操作更方便。 Operation principle of the laboratory sulphonation device was introduced. The control of the whole system was achieved by the new Siemens touch screen TP1200, which was upgraded from the original instrumentation control system, together with totally integrated automatization software TIA under the premise that all function of the experimental facilities were satisfied. And, the control options of laboratory sulphonation and decontamination machine were described detailedly in this paper. Consequently, this improved experimental device functioned easily with more flexible control, visual display and convenient operation.
作者 李慧芳
出处 《日用化学品科学》 CAS 2015年第2期39-41,共3页 Detergent & Cosmetics
关键词 磺化 TIA 触摸屏 PLC sulphonation TIA touch screen PLC
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