
“十二五”规划执行情况的分析及对“十三五”规划制定的启示 被引量:4

Analysis on the Implementation of 12th Five-year Plan and Its Enlightenment to Formulating the 13th Five-year Plan
摘要 "十二五"时期作为全面建设小康社会的关键时期和深化改革开放、加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期,对于促进经济长期平稳较快发展发挥了重大作用。在考察和总结"十二五"规划执行情况的基础上,建议"十三五"规划制定时重点考虑以下四大方面:1.在设定指标目标值时根据不同指标的性质区分"实然"性指标和"应然"性指标,"约束性指标"目标设定体现"应然要求","预期性指标"则按照"实然状况"确定目标值;2.根据经济社会发展形势的变化和实际需要合理增减指标,并更加注重选择反映质量变化(尤其是制度质量)的指标;3.在规划执行过程中,对于相关指标的实施,在强化上级部门监督考察的同时,要将群众参与和满意度评价作为规划指标执行的重要内容;4.在未来5年乃至更长的时间内,重新思考规划制定的理论范式、根本逻辑和话语体系,并选择合理的方向和目标。 The 13th five-year period(2016-2020) will be the crucial period of deepening reform openness andtransition of development mode, and it also will be the important phase of building Xiao Kang society in China. There arefour policy suggestions to the devise of 13 th five-year plan based on the evaluation of 12 th five-year plan implementation.(1) It is needed to distinguish the "should be" and "would be" when we set the indicators' targets according to theattributes of different indicators."Compulsory indicators"can reflect the"should be"requirement and"Guide indicator"targets need to be set on the reality.(2) Adjust the indicators according to the change of economic and society and putmore emphasis on the "quality" indictors especially "the institution quality".(3) Increase public participation in thefive-year implementation process, include the mass-assessment to the evaluation of local official behavior in the five-yearplan implementation.(4) Rethink the paradigm, logic and words of five-year plan in the long term.
作者 宣晓伟
出处 《区域经济评论》 2015年第1期5-12,共8页 Regional Economic Review
关键词 “十二五”规划 “十三五”规划 规划制定 目标值 制度质量 The 12th Five-year Plan The 13th Five-year Plan Plan Formulation Target Value Institution Quality
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