
基于透平叶片精度分析的计算机辅助夹具系统设计 被引量:2

Precision Analysis of CAFD Design Based on Turbine Blade
摘要 该文针对本市某透平叶片厂的叶片夹具CAFD系统,设计添加计算机辅助夹具系统的三个优化模块:模型修改模块、定位分析模块、夹紧分析模块,并简述了这几个模块中的主要实现方法和思路,并给出了主要工作界面的示意图。该系统有效地提高叶片夹具的设计效率,加快了其研发进程。 In this paper, CAFD system of blade fixture is added three optimization modules of computer aided fixture system in a turbine blade factory.It includes the model modification module, positioning analysis module and clamping analysis module, it also describes the main methods and ideas of the several modules and gives the schematic diagram of the main interface. This system can improve the efficien- cy of design blade fixture and speed up its deployment effectively.
出处 《液压气动与密封》 2015年第2期26-28,共3页 Hydraulics Pneumatics & Seals
基金 教育部高校自主科研基金(JUSRP21116)
关键词 计算机辅助夹具系统 定位 夹紧 CAFD positioning analysis clamping analysis
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