目的 60株致病性大肠埃希氏菌血清学分型及药敏试验分析,以便于了解临床病源微生物发展动态及临床用药。方法所有试验菌株为赖氨酸脱羧酶阴性、无动力、葡萄糖产酸不产气,Se Teny试验阴性作为分型对象,药敏试验选用常规方法。结果 14株为O28 ac、10株为O112 ac、8株为O152、8株为O16410株的菌液经100℃煮沸30 min后方与侵袭性大肠菌株诊断血清多价及Q152单价血清凝集,其余10株未与该菌诊断血清发生凝集。60株致病性大肠埃希氏菌中对丁胺卡那、先锋必、头孢三嗪耐药率低,分别为5%、8%、11.7%;对氨苄青霉素、环丙沙星、妥布、诺氟沙星、庆大霉素耐药率高,分别为68.3%、63%、56.7%、50%、50%。结论有20株致病性大肠埃希氏菌在婴儿腹泻标本中分离到,显示该菌的检出与痢疾的发生呈平行关系。在我们地区,丁胺卡那、先锋必、头孢三嗪是治疗肠道杆菌,特别是致病大肠埃希氏菌的首选药物。
Objective To understand the clinical development and medicationof pathogenic microbes by analyzing the serological typing and drug sensitive test of 60 pathogenic E. Coli strains.Methods Al test strains representednegative for lysine decarboxylase,unpowered,and produced acid not gas from glucose. Negative seteny test was used as typing target.Conventional method was used for drug sensitive test.Results 14 strains represented O28ac, 10 strains was O112ac,8 strains showed O152,8 strains was O164. The bacterial solution of 10 strains could agglutinate with diagnostic polyvalent and Q152 monovalentserums after boiling 30 min. And 10 strains could not agglutinate with diagnostic serum. The drug resistance rates of 60 strains to amikacin(5%),cefobid(8%)and cefatrizine(11.7%)were low,while the drug resistance rates to ampicilin(68.3%),Ciprofloxacin(63%), tobramycin(56.7%),norfloxacin(50%)and gentamicin 50%)were high.Conclusion 20 pathogenic E.coli strains were separated from specimens of infant diarrhea,which represented the occurrence of diarrhea had paralelcorelation with detection of E.coli. Amikacin,cefobid and cefatrizine were the first choice for the treatment of enteric bacili,especialy pathogenic E. Coli.
China Health Standard Management
Pathogenic e. coli bacterium
Drug sensitive test